Publications, Presentations, etc.
(Master thesis)
Shimanaga, M. (1996): Reproductive ecology of interstitial harpacticoids (Copepoda, Curstacea) at sandy bottom in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan.
(Doctor thesis)
M. (1999): Seasonal changes in abundance, vertical distribution and
reproductive activity, and species diversity of the meiofaunal community at a
bathyal site in Sagami Bay, Central Japan
→Contents of this thesis have been published in (3), (4) and (9) in the list of original articles
Original articles on refereed publications
(20) Kitahashi, T. , Shimanaga M., Inoue, K , Watanabe, H. (2010) Sampler Bias in the Quantitative Study on Meiofauna around Hydrothermal Vents: Comparisons of Sediments Collected Using Two Types of Handcorers with Different Diameters (in Japanese). JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, 10, 33-39.
(19) Shimanaga, M., W. Lee, H. Nomaki, K. Iijima (2009) Sex ratio and gut contents of the deep-sea harpacticoid Neocervinia itoi and other cerviniids: A possibility of reduced foraging among males. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 29, 183-191.
(18) Kawamura, K., Uesugi, K., Shimanaga, M., Kawamura, N., Ito, M. (2008) Microfabric analysis of the surficial layer of deep sea sediments by micro X-ray CT: an example from the Nansei-shoto (Ryukyu) Trench. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 114, 3-4.
(17) Nomaki, H., N. O. Ogawa, N. Ohkouchi, H. Suga, T. Toyofuku, M. Shimanaga, T. Nakatsuka, H. Kitazato (2008) Benthic foraminifera as trophic links between phytodetritus and benthic metazoans: carbon and nitrogen isotopic evidence. Marine Ecology Progress Series 357, 153-164.
(16) Shimanaga, M., H. Nomaki, K. Iijima (2008) Spatial changes in the distributions of deep-sea "Cerviniidae" (Harpacticoida, Copepoda) and their associations with environmental factors in the bathyal zone around Sagami Bay, Japan. Marine Biology, 153, 493 – 506.
(15) Shimanaga, M., H. Nomaki, K. Suetsugu, M. Murayama, and H. Kitazato (2007): Standing stock of deep-sea metazoan meiofauna in the Sulu Sea and adjacent areas” Deep-Sea Research II, 54, 131-144.
(14) Nomaki, H., P. Heinz, T. Nakatsuka, M. Shimanaga, N. Ohkouchi, N. Ogawa, K., Kogure, E. Ikemoto and H. Kitazato (2006): Different ingestion patterns of 13C-labeled bacteria and algae by deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 310, 95-108.
(13) Shimanaga, M. and Y. Shirayama (2005): Precopulatory mate guarding of interstitial Phyllopodopsyllus sp. (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan. Benthos Research, 60, 39-44.
(12) Shimanaga, M., Y. Shirayama and H. Kitazato (2005): Seasonal patterns of reproductive activities among deep-sea benthic copepod species in the bathyal Sagami Bay, central Japan. Hydrobiologia, 533, 29-39.
→ List of errors in this article(PDF)
(11) Nomaki, H., P. Heinz, T. Nakatsuka, M. Shimanaga and H. Kitazato (2005): Species-specific ingestion of organic carbon by deep-sea benthic foraminifera and meiobenthos: In situ tracer experiments. Limnology and Oceanography, 50, 134-146.
(10) Shimanaga, M., H. Kitazato and Y. Shirayama (2004): Temporal patterns in diversity and species composition of deep-sea benthic copepods in bathyal Sagami Bay, central Japan. Marine Biology, 144, 1097-1110.
→ List of errors in this article(PDF)
(9) Shimanaga, M. and Y. Shirayama (2003): Sex ratio and reproductive activity of benthic copepods in bathyal Sagami Bay (1430m), Central Japan. Progress in Oceanography, 57, 97-107.
(8) Kitazato, H., Nakatsuka, T., Shimanaga, M., Kanda, J., Soh, W., Kato, Y., Okada, Y., Yamaoka, A., Masuzawa, T., Suzuki, K. and Shirayama, Y. (2003): Long-term monitoring of the sedimentary process at the central part of Sagami Bay, Japan: Rationale, logistics and overview of results. Progress in Oceanography, 57, 3-16.
(7) Nakatsuka, T., T. Masuzawa, J. Kanda, H. Kitazato, Y. Shirayama, M. Shimanaga and A. Yamaoka (2003): Particle dynamics din the deep water column of Sagami Bay, Japan- I: Origins of apparent flux of sinking particles. Progress in Oceanography, 57, 31-45.
(6) Kato, Y., H. Kitazato, M. Shimanaga, T. Nakatsuka, Y. Shirayama and T. Masuzawa (2003): 210Pb and 237Cs in sediments from Sagami Bay, Japan: Sedimentation rates and inventories. Progress in Oceanography, 57, 77-95.
(5) Shimanaga, M., and Y. Shirayama (2001): Reproductive ecology of three species of interstitial harpacticoid copepod in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan. Benthos Research, 56, 21-31.
(4) Shimanaga, M and Y. Shirayama (2000): Response of benthic organisms to seasonal change of organic matter deposition in the bathyal Sagami Bay, Central Japan. Oceanologica Acta, 23, 91-107.
(3) Shimanaga, M., H. Kitazato and Y. Shirayama (2000): Seasonal patterns of vertical distribution between meiofaunal groups in relation to phytodetritus deposition in the bathyal Sagami Bay, Central Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 56, 379-387.
(2) Kitazato, H., Y. Shirayama, T. Nakatsuka, S. Fujiwara, M. Shimanaga, Y. Kato, Y. Okada, J. Kanda, A. Yamaoka, T. Masuzawa and K. Suzuki (2000): Seasonal phytodetritus deposition and response of bathyal benthic foraminiferal populations in Sagami Bay, Japan: Preliminary results from "Project Sagami 1996 - 1999". Marine Micropaleontology, 40, 135-149.
(1) Kitazato, H., Nakatsuka, T., Fujiwara, S., Shimanaga, M., Kato, Y., Okada, Y., Kanda, J., Yamaoka, A., Masuzawa, T., Suzuki, K. and Shirayama, Y. (1999): Carbon Cycling in a eutrophic marginal sea - Time-series observations at Sagami Bay. In, Proceedings of an International workshop on sediment transport and storage in coastal sea-ocean system. Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba, pp. 372-377
Presentations at international conferences
(11) Kitahashi,T., K. Kawamura, S. Kojima, M. Shimanaga: Harpacticoid Community Structure around Trenches (Oral). Trench Connection: International Symposium on the Deepest Environment on Earth, Chiba (2010)
(10) Itoh M., Kawamura K., Kitahashi T., Kojima S. and Shimanaga M. Bathymetric patterns of meiofaunal standing stocks associated with the Kuril and Ryukyu trenches, western North Pacific Ocean (Oral; Presenter, MS). 12th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium, Reykjavik, (2010)
(9) Kitahashi T. and Shimanaga M..Spatial changes in community structure of harpacticoids around trenches (Poster). 12th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium, Reykjavik, (2010)
(8) Shimanaga, M.: Effects of burrows of ocypodid crabs on meiofaunal distributions in sediments of a tidal flat; Do the crabs promote meiofauna? (Oral). The Crustacean Society Summer Meeting jointly held with the 47th Annual Meeting of the Carcinological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan (2009).
(7) Shimanaga, M.: Effects of burrows of Ocypodidae crabs on meiofaunal distributions in sediments of a tidal flat – Do the crabs promote benthic copepods? Tenth International Conference on Copepoda, Pattaya, Thailand, (2008).
(6) Shimanaga, M.: Distribution patterns of deep-sea benthic cerviniids (Harpacticoida) in Sagami Bay of eastern Japan (Poster). Ninth International Conference on Copepoda, Tunis, Tunisia, (2005).
(5) Shimanaga, M, H. Kitazato, and Y. Shirayama: Differences in reproductive activity among deep-sea benthic copepod species (Poster). Tenth Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Coos Bay, USA, (2003).
(4) Shimanaga, M. and Shirayama, Y: Temporal changes in diversity, community structure, and reproductive activity of deep-sea benthic copepods (Oral). Eighth International Conference on Copepoda, Keelung, Taiwan, (2002).
(3) Shimanaga, M. and Y. Shirayama: Species diversity, sex ratio, and reproductive activity of benthic copepods in bathyal Sagami Bay (1450 m), central Japan (Poster). Eleventh International Meiofauna Conference, Boston, USA, (2001).
(2) Shirayama, Y., M. Shimanaga, H. Kitazato, J. Kanda, T. Nakatsuka, T. Masuzawa, T. Suzuki and Y. Kato: Fluctuation of meiofauna in relation to the seasonal change of surface production, POC flux in water column and sediment properties in the bathyal deep-sea system of Sagami Bay, Central Japan (Oral). Tenth International Meiofauna Conference, Plymouth, U.K., (1998).
(1) Shimanaga, M. and Y. Shirayama: Reproductive ecology of interstitial harpacticoids at a coarse-sand bottom in Otsuchi Bay, Northeastern Japan (Poster). Sixth International Conference on Copepoda, Oldenburg, Germany, (1996).